Actually provide a great user experience that users onsec tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur
Actually provide a great user experience that users onsec tueraliquet Morbi nec In Curabitur
the new … “AGENCY BUILDER SYSTEM, INC. " - Update 2015
YP + YB + (OR1P x AP x TA)+ (OR2-5 X AP X TA) = Your Monthly Income
YP =Your production
YB =Your Bonus as a percent of commissionable premium
OR1P = Overrides % from agents you recruit (level 1 agents)
AP = Average Production per agent
OR2-5 = Override % from agents level 2-5.
TA = Total # of Agents
The Agency Builder System (ABS) is your IMO ...
All agents start at TOP STREET level (GA) commissions ..
ABS shares part of their overrides to establish the bonus/override system.
Agents working together each have the same amount ABS contributes to the bonus/override system.
The override system (hierarchy) is a five level system.
Agents only recruit to their line 1.
The overrides are much higher* for the agents you recruit than the other 4 levels.
An agent may recruit as few or as many agents as they wish.
The more agents you have on your line 1 the greater your income potential.
You earn an immediate bonus on the first dollar of commission you write/place.
"Every agent you recruit has the same commission, bonus and overrides that you have. Makes it easy to recruit and retain agents!".