A National Company

Make $1,000,000!

the new … “AGENCY BUILDER SYSTEM, INC. " - Update 2015

To make $1,000,000.00 a year in life or annuity production you would need to produce about $850,000.00 in personal production and have very good contracts that will bonus you the other $150,000.00. If you did this, you would be in the top .025% of the producers in this country. That is less than ¼ of one percent of all the producers. Impossible to make a million a year?

Absolute not!

By being a part of … the new “AGENCY BUILDER SYSTEM, INC.” you can make $1,000,000.00 per year because we share our overrides with you . and all you do is produce the same amount of business you were producing and offer the same opportunity to other agents you recruit.

Everyone starts at the GA commission Level plus 5% to 15% Bonus Commission on first dollar of production plus 9% to 23% for Overrides, (depending on the life product sold). That's up to 38% over life GA commission. You receive overrides from agents you recruit and agents in your down line levels 2-5. Annuity products have just as lucrative bonus and overrides.

Example: With one company ..Your GA commission is 100% on a IUL product. ABS contributes an additional 28% for your Bonus and Overrides. As the writing agent you would earn a 10% bonus and the other 18% would go into the override account.

How to "Make a Million"....Recruit 17 agents and they recruit 3 agents, they recruit 3 agents, they recruit 3 agents and they recruit 3 agents and everyone produces 1 or 2 apps or more each month for $2000 in commissionable premium.

Example: We are not going to use a 38% product but an average one that ABS contributes 28% to bonuses and overrides. You would be paid 100% GA commission on this IUL policy and your bonus commission is 10% and 18% would go into the override system with you earning a 10% override on the agents you recruit.. Please see chart below.

Remember, every agent you recruit has the same commission, bonus and overrides that you have. That means they all have the same opportunity as you, to "Make a Million".

You are Paid on Five levels Each Agent Each level Can earn the same As you Average.
Per Agent
This Month
Your Comp,
Your Base
Comp percent,
Your Bonus
&Percent going
to Overrides
agent sales
Your Bonus Commission and Overrides From Each Agent in Your Down Line Line 1-5 Number of Agents You would Need to Recruit to earn $1,000,000 Your Bonus
Your Month
+ Bonus +
Your GA Commission $2000 100%     $2000
Your Bonus $2000 10% $200   $200
Line 1 Overrides $2000 10% $200 17 $3400
Line 2 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $2040
Line 3 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $6120
Line 4 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $18360
Line 5 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $55080
Month Total         $87,200.00

12 x $87,200.00 = $1,046,400.00

“It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This”! The Best Way to Get Paid.