A National Company


the new … “AGENCY BUILDER SYSTEM, INC. " - Update 2015

As a REGIONAL MANAGER, you qualify for an additional 1% override (OR) BONUS on your entire 5 levels down line.

To qualify for REGIONAL MANAGER status, you must have 9 or more agents on your line 1 and your down line, 5 levels, has produced at least $500,000 in Net Sales Commission (NSC) for the calendar year.

To explain how easy this is, we will use a 2015 IUL that pays a GA commission of 100% on target premium. Your bonus on this product is 10%. You also make a 10% override from agents you recruit and a 2% override from agents your agents recruit, 4 levels, for a total of 5 levels of agents you are earning overrides on.

In the example below you recruit only 9 agents. All the agents in your down line recruitonly 3 agents. Everyone makes a term sale for $2000 ( could be two sales). Your income for the month would be $47,200.00 ....... X 12 = $566,400.00. WOW!

Per Agent
This Month
Your Comp, Your Bonus Percent, & % going to you from Your agent sales Your Comp, Your Bonus, Total Comp to OR Per Sale Number of Agents You Recruited Your Month Comm + Bonus + ORs
Your GA Commission $2000 100% $2000   $2000
Your Bonus $2000 10% $200   $2000
Line 1 Overrides $2000 10% $200 9 $1800
Line 2 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $1080
Line 3 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $3240
Line 4 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $9720
Line 5 Overrides $2000 2% $40   $29160
The Best Way to Get Paid.